2024 Women's Fall Bible Studies

Welcome to our online registration for Women's Fall Bible Studies. Please complete the following form to register.

Wednesday evenings with Cris Harlow and Heather Webster, starting with Blast on Sept. 18 and following its schedule - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.. Studying the Sermon on the Mount, no cost.

Friday mornings at 10:00 with Jessie Caldwell, going through the study Experiencing God, starting September 20th. The book fee for this class is $21.99.

*Cost is for the materials needed for class. Scholarships are available. Please contact Jennifer Humrichous (317-385-2357) or your class teacher to request.
Please select one option.


Welcome to our online registration for Women's Fall Bible Studies. Please complete the following form to register.

Wednesday evenings with Cris Harlow and Heather Webster, starting with Blast on Sept. 18 and following its schedule - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.. Studying the Sermon on the Mount, no cost.

Friday mornings at 10:00 with Jessie Caldwell, going through the study Experiencing God, starting September 20th. The book fee for this class is $21.99.

*Cost is for the materials needed for class. Scholarships are available. Please contact Jennifer Humrichous (317-385-2357) or your class teacher to request.